AutoLogistics visited TransCaspian 2014
AutoLogistics visited TransCaspian 2014
10 July 2014

AutoLogistics visited TransCaspian 2014

Emphasizing the importance of Azerbaijan transportation market in Caspian region our company decided to attended the 13th International Transport, Transit and Logistics Exhibition TransCaspian 2014 that was held from 12 to 14 June 2014 at the Baku Expo Centre. The Exhibitors main fields of activity were freight forwarding, road, rail, air, sea transports, logistics/warehousing, shipbuilding, information technologies, railway infrastructure etc.

Thanks to the organizers for giving us opportunity to meet existing and potential partners from Azerbaijan, Iran, China and north Europe. We appreciate the exhibitors’ efforts to show interesting and innovative products that will help us to expand our business not only in the Caspian region but all over the world.

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