主页 媒體 新聞 მსოფლიო ბანკი წელს საქართველოში ეკონომიკის 5.5%-იან ზრდას პროგნოზირებს (CN) Follow მსოფლიო ბანკი წელს საქართველოში ეკონომიკის 5.5%-იან ზრდას პროგნოზირებს (CN) 13 月 2022
8 四月 2024 For the First Time in Two Years, a Feeder Vessel Delivers Cargo Containers to Odessa Port (CN) 19 十月 2021 საქართველოდან 60 ქვეყანაში 72,5 მლნ ბოთლი ღვინოა ექსპორტირებული (CN) 5 十一月 2014 New Law at Azerbaijan Customs Borders came into force on November 1 2014 Customs declaration of goods brought to Azerbaijan customs territory shall be submitted no later than 15 days after the presentation of goods to the customs body. The Regulation came into force on 1 November 2014.
19 十月 2021 საქართველოდან 60 ქვეყანაში 72,5 მლნ ბოთლი ღვინოა ექსპორტირებული (CN) 5 十一月 2014 New Law at Azerbaijan Customs Borders came into force on November 1 2014 Customs declaration of goods brought to Azerbaijan customs territory shall be submitted no later than 15 days after the presentation of goods to the customs body. The Regulation came into force on 1 November 2014.
5 十一月 2014 New Law at Azerbaijan Customs Borders came into force on November 1 2014 Customs declaration of goods brought to Azerbaijan customs territory shall be submitted no later than 15 days after the presentation of goods to the customs body. The Regulation came into force on 1 November 2014.