主页 媒體 新聞 3 თვეში საგარეო ვაჭრობა 38%-ით, $3.8 მილიარდამდე გაიზარდა - საქსტატი (CN) Follow 3 თვეში საგარეო ვაჭრობა 38%-ით, $3.8 მილიარდამდე გაიზარდა - საქსტატი (CN) 14 四月 2022
27 月 2015 Social Networks Facebook and Instagram went offline Since morning of January 27 social networks Facebook and Instagram are offline. As reported by the users of soc. networks the reason is technical faults. 25 八月 2022 საქართველოს დერეფანში ტვირთბრუნვა 1 მლნ ტონით გაიზარდა (CN) 17 十月 2014 AutoLogistics at International Freight Summit in Bangkok The Kingdom of Thailand, situated in mainland Southeast Asia, is a regional hub of business and transportation with approximately 67.5 million people.
25 八月 2022 საქართველოს დერეფანში ტვირთბრუნვა 1 მლნ ტონით გაიზარდა (CN) 17 十月 2014 AutoLogistics at International Freight Summit in Bangkok The Kingdom of Thailand, situated in mainland Southeast Asia, is a regional hub of business and transportation with approximately 67.5 million people.
17 十月 2014 AutoLogistics at International Freight Summit in Bangkok The Kingdom of Thailand, situated in mainland Southeast Asia, is a regional hub of business and transportation with approximately 67.5 million people.