AutoLogistics met Business Delegation from Kazakhstan
AutoLogistics met Business Delegation from Kazakhstan
23 十月 2014

AutoLogistics met with Business Delegation from Kazakhstan

Company AutoLogistics attanded Georgia-Kazakhstan Business Forum held in Redisson Blue Iveria Hotel Tbilisi on October 22. The conference was dedicated to develop business relations between two countries.

We arranged B2B meetings with various Georgian and Kazakhstan companies. We hope with mutual cooperation we will make our contribution to deepen and develop businesses for both Countries.

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ALOG at business summit in China
27 九月 2016

ALOG at business summit in China

Georgian Logistics part was represented by A-Log as well discussing future partnership opportunities with Chinese and Georgian business sides.
AutoLogistics at Georgia-Israel Business Forum
22 十月 2014

AutoLogistics at Georgia-Israel Business Forum

On October 21- 22, 2014, the Georgian-Jewish Business forum took place at Tbilisi Marriot Hotel.  Forum was organized by Israel-Georgia Chamber of Commerce and BDO.