ALOG at Georgian-Estonian business forum
ALOG at Georgian-Estonian business forum
14 January 2015

Tbilisi hosted Georgian-Estonian business forum that was held at Radisson Blue Iveria Hotel as part of Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas’s visit to Georgia on January 13.

Up to 120 representatives from both the private and public sectors of two countries attended the forum, among them was company ALOG. Within the forum several presentations focused on business climate and the main directions of Georgia’s economy (agriculture, tourism, energy, transport and logistics) have been presented.

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili and his Estonian counterpart Taavi Rõivas addressed the guests. It was double joyful to us that the memorandum on international road transportation of passengers and goods between the countries was signed.

The Chambers of Commerce of Georgia and Estonia signed a memorandum of understanding as well.

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Container Ship MAREN Runs Aground on Turkish Coast in Black Sea
5 April 2023

Container Ship MAREN Runs Aground on Turkish Coast in Black Sea

We have received news that the container ship MAREN has run aground on the Turkish coast in the Black Sea, west of Sinop. According to reports, the incident occurred at around 2320-2330 UTC on April 1, 2023, while the ship was en route from Piraeus to Poti, Georgia.