ალოგ ჯორჯიას გუნდი უზრუნველყოფს ტვირთის უსაფრხო დატვირთვისა და გადმოტვირთვის პროცესს (CN)
14 七月 2021


New container block train between Poti and Baku
15 七月 2014

New container block train between Poti and Baku

According to the agreement between JSC Georgian Railway’s subsidiary "Trans Caucasus Terminals"  and "Azerbaijan Railways" a new container block train called “SILK BRIDGE” between Poti-Baku (Kishli) will run on 15th of July 2014. Schedule: every Tuesday and Saturday Transit Time: 34 hours In this regard, today at 16:00 pm the block train opening ceremony will take place at the terminal of "Trans Caucasus Terminals" in Poti.